Only Mine; Book Three in the Foretold Series by author Michele James

Genre: Historical Romance

Series : Yes, but read as a standalone

Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group

Available: ebook

Sex : 💖Yes

Violence :  Yes, not too graphic or too much

The Short Story: Romantic Historical Fiction set in the 9th Century


My Review: It’s summer in the year 836. Captain Hugh LeCuir, under the order of Louis, King of the Franks, is to escort the Lady Astrid, daughter of Gerhard, Baron of Worms to her intended husband, Count Robert of Bordeaux.  For Hugh, this is just a routine mission until he sees Lady Astrid. Since his seventh birthday, Hugh has had visions of a woman he knows only as Angel. When he sees Lady Astrid, he realizes he’s come face to face with his Angel, only to learn she is to marry another. If that wasn’t bad enough, someone seems to want Lady Astrid dead. Hugh will do anything to keep her alive. 

I enjoyed this historical romance. The writing is excellent, the story well told. I love when writers include a little mysticism in their stories and the Early Middle Ages seems especially suited for it. There is plenty of action and of course romance. In the end, the guy gets the girl, and the bad guy gets what's coming to him!


Recommend to readers who enjoy Historical Romance. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

