The Fortune Keeper: Deborah Swift


Welcome to a stop on the Coffee Pot Book Tour for The Fortune Keeper by Deborah Swift, their book of the year for 2023! 

The Details: 

Book Title: The Fortune Keeper
Series: Italian Renaissance Series
Author: Deborah Swift
Publication Date: 24th November 2022
Publisher: Quire Books
Pages: 412
Genre: Historical Fiction



Count your nights by stars, not shadows ~ Italian Proverb 

Winter in Renaissance Venice
Mia Caiozzi is determined to discover her destiny by studying the science of astronomy. But her stepmother Giulia forbids her to engage in this occupation, fearing it will lead her into danger. The ideas of Galileo are banned by the Inquisition, so Mia must study in secret.
Giulia's real name is Giulia Tofana, renowned for her poison Aqua Tofana, and she is in hiding from the Duke de Verdi's family who are intent on revenge for the death of their brother. Giulia insists Mia should live quietly out of public view. If not, it could threaten them all. But Mia doesn't understand this, and rebels against Giulia, determined to go her own way.
When the two secret lives collide, it has far-reaching and fatal consequences that will change Mia's life forever. 

Set amongst opulent palazzos and shimmering canals, The Fortune Keeper is the third novel of adventure and romance based on the life and legend of Giulia Tofana, the famous poisoner.


'Her characters are so real they linger in the mind long after the book is back on the shelf'

~ Historical Novel Society



NB This is the third in a series but can stand alone as it features a new protagonist. Other two books are available if reviewers want them.


Trigger Warnings:

Murder and violence in keeping with the era.



Buy Links:


This title is available to read on #KindleUnlimited.


Universal Link:



Audiobook Buy Links:






Author Bio:

Deborah Swift is a USA TODAY bestselling author who is passionate about the past. Deborah used to be a costume designer for the BBC, before becoming a writer. Now she lives in an old English school house in a village full of 17th Century houses, near the glorious Lake District. Deborah has an award-winning historical fiction blog at her website
Deborah loves to write about how extraordinary events in history have transformed the lives of ordinary people, and how the events of the past can live on in her books and still resonate today.
The first in her series about the Renaissance poisoner Giulia Tofana, The Poison Keeper, was a winner of the Wishing Shelf Book of the Decade, and a Coffee Pot Book Club Gold Medal, and the latest in her WW2 Secret Agent series, Operation Tulip, is coming soon.


Author Links:









  1. Thank you for featuring Deborah Swift with The Fortune Keeper on your lovely blog today.

    Take care,
    Cathie xo
    The Coffee Pot Book Club


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