Book Review: The Conversos by VEH Masters


The Book's Delight is thrilled to review, The Conversos by VEH Masters. See my review of her first book, The Castilians.

The Details


Publisher: Nydie Press

Published: 2021

Genre: European Historical Fiction

Pages: 337

Available: paperback, ebook

Sex: no

Violence: 😨 mild


My Review

Reviewer’s Note: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The Plot in Brief: The Conversos is the second instalment of the Seton Chronicles. I read and reviewed book one, The Castilians, earlier this year. Although you don’t need to read the first book to fully enjoy The Coversos, I highly recommend that you, only because they are so good.

Book two picks up the story of Bethia Seton and her brother Will. Although the siblings love each other they are divided by their religious beliefs. Will has fallen under the influence of the Scottish theologian, the fiery John Knox. Bethia, who escaped her pending marriage to fat Norman, is married instead to the intriguing young man from Antwerp, Mainard. As she adapts to her new life, it is clear that he and his family are keeping secrets from her.

The Characters: Bethia is one of those characters that you know from the very beginning you are going to cheer for. She’s feisty, smart, loyal and curious. She knows her value, even when those around her do not. Not satisfied with just being a wife, Bethia wants to contribute, to be her husband’s helper. Will, at first, seems to be a selfish youth, but he really comes into his own in book two. He too is loyal, both to his faith and his friends. He really grew on me in this book, and I see why Bethia loves him, in spite of himself. We really get to know Mainard in this book, but I’m convinced there is more to uncover about him and his family.

The History: Set in the mid-16th Century in Antwerp and Scotland, this is a fascinating time period. The Protestant revolution is in full swing and deeply divides nations and families. It is also a time of persecution for Jews and it is interesting to read how families attempt to ‘convert’ but still maintain their identity. I love how the author dives into daily life in Antwerp, the food, the clothes, the customs of that amazing city. This is my favorite type of historical fiction, it a well-balanced story that immerses you in the lives of its characters.

The Writing: Well written, well edited with a lively pace, this book speeds along. There is plenty of drama, twist and turns to keep the reader engaged. The author engages our sympathy for all characters as they try to make their way in what was a treacherous world.

Overall:   Loved it! Another enjoyable book and I look forward to the next. I highly recommend The Castilians and The Conversos to readers who love great historical fiction.


My Rating: I give this book 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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