Persimmon Apricot: Gunfighter by Jason Litz


Today's review is by a fellow Black Rose Writing author, Jason Litz. I will start by saying I've not read a lot of Westerns as the genre has not been on my radar. The super cool book cover really hooked me. Here are a few details.

Persimmon Apricot Gunfighter by Jason Litz
Published: June 2020
Publisher: Black Rose Writing
Genre: Western
Pages: 231 print
Available: ebook, paperback

Sex: 💗 none
Violence: 😨😨 yes (the word Gunfighter should make that plain!)

Author Bio: 

I have a Masters degree in Computer Science and work in the field. Despite the seeming contrast of my day job, I am a good writer with a wry sense of humor. It is therefore convenient that I have several stories of various genres begging to be written. Persimmon Apricot, Gunfighter is my second novel. I believe, first and foremost, a novel should be entertaining and feel that I have accomplished this in both novels and I am thankful that readers have agreed. I have a great number of interest including history and travel which help to enrich my stories. I am an accomplished mechanic and all-around handyman. I try to be a good Christian, good husband, and good father to my three daughters. When you see me working, it is only on the outside. On the inside I am most likely daydreaming of standing amidst swaying prairie grass while being buffeted by a stiff breeze or mulling about a desert on the edge of a sunset, doing my best to find every picturesque vantage.


After losing everything he held dear to the wickedness of man and the weakness of the law, Persimmon Apricot is a lost soul who places no value on the lives of callous men and little value on his own. Resistant to the label of Gunfighter, Persimmon vehemently rejects offers to be a gun for hire, preferring to drift aimlessly in a futile effort to outrun his memories. It takes a young boy and his widowed mother to give Persimmon purpose once more. Befriended by a failed writer, the pair take a reluctant journey across the country to help her. What they discover is that happiness sometimes carries a steep price tag. Saving the widow will cost more than they could have imagined. Persimmon must decide whether or not to make the purchase, even if that means paying with his life.

My Review:

Reviewers Note: I was given a free copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review. 

The Plot in Brief: Pete is a writer, combing the west for material. In a small mining town in Colorado he meets a man who will change his life. Persimmon Apricot is a man of few words; he lets his bullets speak for him. Together this unlikely duo hunt down a shady character in an effort to help a young widow in danger of losing her ranch and find new meaning in their own lives.

The Characters: Despite his quick temper and even quicker draw, Persimmon is a wonderful character. His personality and back story is slowly revealed as the story progresses and we come to find that the man who first appears to be a ruthless killer has a tender side. Life has turned a kind, loving man into a monster. 'Pete' his side kick is a great foil and offers a bit of comic relief. The bad guys are bad, the Reverend is a true man of god and the pretty widow is just as she should be. All in all a great collection of characters. 

Often, but not always, the setting plays a huge role in the story. I loved the period details of the 'Old West', the rough and rowdy miners, the saloons, the dirt roads and wooden sidewalks. The paddle wheel boat ride down the Mississippi and the description of Key West were a fantastic feature and added greatly to my enjoyment. 

The Writing: Told in first person/ past tense, the book is narrated by Pete. The pace is fast and the story line has a great arc with a satisfying end. I found the narrative very engaging, was never bored, did not skip ahead or over any part. Great editing made for an error free read. 

Overall: I really, really enjoyed this exciting yarn of days of old. Maybe I should start reading more Westerns! This story has everything; gunfights, travel to exotic places, a love interest, and a mystery or two. It's a quick read and highly entertaining. I think this book would appeal to men and women in equal measure. 

Rating: I give this book ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars

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