The Writer's Life: Writing Podcast to prod, motivate, entertain and throw gas on the flames!

The writer's life can be a lonely one. Tucked away in a quiet room for hours on end with no one but your characters to keep you company can give you a sense of isolation. One of my favorite ways to interact with other writers is via social media. I have found many helpful writers out there, willing and able to lend a hand or just listen to a complaint or commiserate with your pain. It's a great way to actively engage with other writers and people in the book publishing/ free-lance writing industry. 

I like to work out three times a week at my local gym. Exercise gets me off my butt and keeps me sane. It reminds me that there is a world out there that has nothing to do with writing. It's also kinda boring. So, what do I do? I have started listening to podcasts (PC for short) to pass my time and make the elliptical fade into the architecture of the gym and at the same time learn more about the writing industry. I also listen to PCs like NPR and true crime, my friend Kat Clemons hosts a weekly PC on serial killers and unsolved murders, a potential source for writing material! It's called, Case Files with Kat and Ashley, if you're interested. That being said there are PCs for everything these days. 

But I want to start a list of writing related PCs that I enjoy. This list will be short at first but as I work my way through those on offer, I'll add them as I go. If you know of a great PC that I should listened to be sure to give it a shout out in the comments and I'll add it to the page. So here they are in the order in which I have listened to them, not on a scale of good to great. 

#1. Grammar Girl 

Mingon Fogarty better known as Grammar Girl has a great PC subtitled Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing. The PCs are short, usually about 15 minutes or so, so you can listen to multiple or just one depending on how much time you have. I like this podcast a lot as it delves into grammar and the use of words. You can find her website, with all her PCs at her website Quick and Dirty Tips.      

#2 Write-Minded 

This Podcast bills itself as a weekly inspiration for writers. It is host by Brooke Warner of She Writes and Grant Faulkner of NaNoWriMo. This PC is  longer which is good for my gym workout. I like it because they interview writers, authors, agents, publishers and others in the writing industry. They are supportive without giving the listener false hope about the difficulties inherent in the industry. You can find their website here: Write Minded.

The Write Life

There are dozens more out there and I look forward to listening and hopefully learn something valuable from each. Here is a website that lists 20 or so PCs. The Write Life. 

I'll be adding more as I listen to them. Be sure to check back!
